Andriy Shmyhelskyy
13 augustus 1988 - 7 januari 2025
In loving memory of Andriy Shmyhelskyy
7 січня пішов за світи Андрій Шмигельський, наш любий син, брат, тато, друг і колега.On January 7, Andriy Shmyhelskyy, our beloved son, brother, father, friend, and colleague, passed away.
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My dear friend Andriy, your passing is such a deep loss for all of us. Strengths and love to your beautiful daughter, and loving friends and family. Rest in peace dear friend, it's been insanely fun, educational, comfortable, and ultimately an honor knowing and hanging with you these past 6 years 💔. You really did shine strong and always radiated with unlimited positivity, despite the circumstances. May we truly have Better Time Stories to share with each other in the future, just as you envisioned.
Op 12 januari 2025
om 14:39 getekend door:
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om 14:39 getekend door:
Rest in Peace my friend! You'll forever live in our memories as this joyful kind friend. One of the youngest in the class of 2009 and yet one of the brightest. Heartfelt condolences to the family.
Op 12 januari 2025
om 14:28 getekend door:
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om 14:28 getekend door:
No, this is a total shock. I loved Andriy❤️ I went school with him in Norway when he took his Master's degree. I really loved his humour and personality. It's been some years since I've seen him but this was very sad news. My heart and thoughts are with you and the rest of your family. I wanted to say something because he really made an impression on me in a good way. He was such an awesome guy❤️
Op 12 januari 2025
om 12:51 getekend door:
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om 12:51 getekend door:
Oh Andriy! I am so sad to hear your news. My heart goes out to your daughter who I never had the pleasure to meet, and of course your family and friends. We met in London when you were working on Hyko and then again in Amsterdam and Cologne with Better Time Stories. You will always be an amazing spirit who lived his short life to the fullest. Lots of love. We miss you.
Op 12 januari 2025
om 10:17 getekend door:
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om 10:17 getekend door:
Zal je gaan missen ANdriy, je was een immer positieg ingesteld persoon.
Op 12 januari 2025
om 8:05 getekend door:
M.i.c.h.i.e.l. .A.l.l.e.s.s.i.e.
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om 8:05 getekend door:
M.i.c.h.i.e.l. .A.l.l.e.s.s.i.e.
So sad to hear this news. I ran into Andriy frequently at startup events and he had such a positive attitude and friendly words to say. I'll remember you
Op 12 januari 2025
om 7:52 getekend door:
F.r.i.s.o. .s.c.h.m.i.d.
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om 7:52 getekend door:
F.r.i.s.o. .s.c.h.m.i.d.
Andriy, such a pity you had to leave us so
early! It was a privilege to meet in Utrecht back in 2008 and we shared many fun moments. When we met again more than a decade later in Amsterdam you had the same energy and passion for the world, education and humanity. I always felt you could move mountains. The last time I saw you it was a rainy Saturday morning in Amsterdam and you were running at full speed in the park, focused and determined as ever. It is the picture I will carry forever. Rest in peace, Andriy! Even if your run was short in this world, you have outpaced many!
early! It was a privilege to meet in Utrecht back in 2008 and we shared many fun moments. When we met again more than a decade later in Amsterdam you had the same energy and passion for the world, education and humanity. I always felt you could move mountains. The last time I saw you it was a rainy Saturday morning in Amsterdam and you were running at full speed in the park, focused and determined as ever. It is the picture I will carry forever. Rest in peace, Andriy! Even if your run was short in this world, you have outpaced many!
Op 12 januari 2025
om 7:05 getekend door:
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om 7:05 getekend door:
My condolences on the passing of Andriy. I am very sorry to hear this sad news. I knew Andriy as his former teacher at Utrecht University at the end of the 2000s. I remember him as a kind and ambitious person. I wish Andriy’s family and friends much strength.
Op 12 januari 2025
om 4:16 getekend door:
M.a.r.t.i.n. .Z.e.b.r.a.c.k.i.
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om 4:16 getekend door:
M.a.r.t.i.n. .Z.e.b.r.a.c.k.i.
It was a privilege knowing and working with you, starting at Rockstart. My kids still have fond memories of testing hyko and I remember how proud you were when learning you would be a father yourself. So sad to hear about your passing.
Op 11 januari 2025
om 20:21 getekend door:
Y.m.e. .B.o.s.m.a.
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om 20:21 getekend door:
Y.m.e. .B.o.s.m.a.
My deepest condolences to the family. I got to know Andriy when studying in Oslo and I will always remember him as a bright, fun and creative soul. Rest in peace❤️
Op 11 januari 2025
om 20:17 getekend door:
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om 20:17 getekend door:
So sad and unexpected. My deepest condolences to his daughter and the rest of Andriy’s family and close ones.
Op 11 januari 2025
om 20:01 getekend door:
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om 20:01 getekend door:
Дорогий Андрію,
За роки навчання в Могилянці, а особливо на магістерській програмі в БІ, мені випала честь називати тебе другом. Ти завжди дарував доброту, ділився своєю безмежною енергією та випромінював любов до людей і до світу. Ця втрата невимовно болюча. Щирі співчуття родині.
За роки навчання в Могилянці, а особливо на магістерській програмі в БІ, мені випала честь називати тебе другом. Ти завжди дарував доброту, ділився своєю безмежною енергією та випромінював любов до людей і до світу. Ця втрата невимовно болюча. Щирі співчуття родині.
Op 11 januari 2025
om 16:04 getekend door:
С.в.і.т.л.а.н.а. .Р.о.г.е.б.е.р.г.
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om 16:04 getekend door:
С.в.і.т.л.а.н.а. .Р.о.г.е.б.е.р.г.
Dear Andriy,
it is so unfair when people pass away at a young age. We have spent some meaningful hours together on this planet. I will remember this time fondly. Now that you are one with the entire energy of the universe, I wish you a smooth journey into infinity!
Дорогий Андрію,
Так несправедливо, коли люди йдуть із життя так рано. Ми провели разом кілька справді значущих годин на цій планеті, і я з теплом згадуватиму цей час. Тепер ти знову став єдиним з безмежною енергією Всесвіту. Бажаю тобі легкої подорожі у вічність.
it is so unfair when people pass away at a young age. We have spent some meaningful hours together on this planet. I will remember this time fondly. Now that you are one with the entire energy of the universe, I wish you a smooth journey into infinity!
Дорогий Андрію,
Так несправедливо, коли люди йдуть із життя так рано. Ми провели разом кілька справді значущих годин на цій планеті, і я з теплом згадуватиму цей час. Тепер ти знову став єдиним з безмежною енергією Всесвіту. Бажаю тобі легкої подорожі у вічність.
Op 11 januari 2025
om 15:19 getekend door:
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om 15:19 getekend door:
Я завжди памʼятатиму Андрія веселим та активним. Всіх знав, зі всіма дружив, завжди щось вигадував та будував плани на майбутнє. Щирий та відкритий. Дорослішаючи, ми рідше бачились вживу, проте кожна зустріч була тепла та цікава. Ми так і не провідали тебе в Амстердамі… Твоя смерть стала неочікуваною і важкою для осмислення. Жити на повну - це тобі вдавалось особливо добре. Нехай Бог охороняє твою душу, а ти охороняй свою доню, якою ти завжди так пишався. Мої найщиріші співчуття родині та близьким.
Op 11 januari 2025
om 15:08 getekend door:
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om 15:08 getekend door:
Lieve Andriy,
Such a shock to hear you are no longer with us. We worked together on some ambitious children’s publishing projects .You really wanted to make a difference and you did with Better Time Stories .My thoughts are with your family and your little girl who inspired you so much.
Liefs, Carla
Such a shock to hear you are no longer with us. We worked together on some ambitious children’s publishing projects .You really wanted to make a difference and you did with Better Time Stories .My thoughts are with your family and your little girl who inspired you so much.
Liefs, Carla
Op 11 januari 2025
om 13:40 getekend door:
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om 13:40 getekend door:
Пам’ятаю як на кордоні митник спитав чи ми з Андрієм не брат і сестра. Було смішно. Веселий, молодий, життєрадісний. Щирі співчуття рідним та близьким!
Op 11 januari 2025
om 12:51 getekend door:
О.л.е.н.а. .Г.р.у.н.с.ь.к.а.
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om 12:51 getekend door:
О.л.е.н.а. .Г.р.у.н.с.ь.к.а.
Andriy, we got to know eachother soon after you moved to the Netherlands for Rockstart. We worked together on Hyko. A friendship truly developed after we started working in Better Time Stories. You were an energetic and creative spirit with so much ideas and ambition. It was great to add some structure around your chaos. The trip to Ukraine will one day be done, in your memory! Will miss you dearly!
Op 11 januari 2025
om 9:46 getekend door:
R.e.i.n.o.u.t. .W.i.s.s.e.n.b.u.r.h.
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om 9:46 getekend door:
R.e.i.n.o.u.t. .W.i.s.s.e.n.b.u.r.h.
З Андрієм ми навчались в школі в одному класі. Пригадую його завжди активним та швидким під час уроків математики. Блискуче вирішував складні завдання і прагнув більшого. Співчуття рідним з приводу непоправної втрати!
Op 11 januari 2025
om 8:56 getekend door:
І.р.а. .М.и.х.а.й.л.о.в.и.ч.
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om 8:56 getekend door:
І.р.а. .М.и.х.а.й.л.о.в.и.ч.
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op 10 januari 2025
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Fam. Shmyhelskyy
op 10 januari 2025
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